Find and replace any data within a WordPress database. This script handles serialized data so is perfect for moving sites to new domains (a job which usually ends with a site having half a theme and many missing plugin settings).
This WordPress plugin is different to others you might have seen. It is not intended to affect the way WordPress works nor is it intended to add a new feature to WordPress. This plugin carries a payload script. The payload is the database search and replace script from Interconnect.It.
The files are uploaded to the WordPress plugin directory and are accessed from the link provided in the yellow notice at the top of the WordPress dashboard which will appear after plugin activation.
The database search and replace serialized data script delivered by this plugin is the V3 Beta version of the script provided by interconnectit.com.
- Install the script in the usual WordPress way.
- Do not ‘network activate’ if you have a multisite install.
- The script will search the whole database, not just a single site in a WPML install.
- You need the site’s database access details before the script can be used.
- The script provides usage instructions after activation.
- On activation, look for the message at the top of your dashboard screen.
- Plugin lists as SSR in the plugins menu.
- Backup your database first!
This plugin is designed to be used to make WordPress site migrations easier and to make database updates easier.
The script is not safe to leave on your web server so delete it after activation – deactivation is not good enough to prevent others finding it and using it to destroy your website.
Use of this plugin and the scripts it installs are at your own risk.
[wpdm_file id=26]