We’re Back! We’re Happy! We’ve Escaped the Hostgator Croc!!!

For the past week JournalXtra has been slower than a sloth on cannabis. Hostgator moved us to one of its ‘upgraded’ servers and we hit a go-dead-slow glue trap from that point until just now when we completed the JX migration exodus to our new Namecheap reseller server (yes, that’s an affiliate link).

We are happy!

My last post showed my total anger with Hostgator for migrating me and my clients to new servers. A little research (read google) shows many other web masters and developers are angry with HG for the same reason. Such a shame because I was happy with HG for 5 or more years and would have stayed longer with them were it not for the bad handling of the migration and the tighter server resource limits than on the ‘old’ servers.

If you’re with Hostgator and are looking for a new host, I recommend Namecheap for shared and reseller hosting and I recommend Heart Internet’s hybrid servers. I will be moving a few of my client’s to a Heart Hybrid server during the course of the next few months.

Next step, email and stat migration from my old HG server followed by compensation claims for messing with my clients, my business reputation and my integrity.

Three words of advice: Leave Hostgator Now before your server is ‘ungraded’ too.

Sharing is caring!

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