DoubleClick Timestamper Plugin for WordPress

DoubleClick affiliate links need to have the Unix Epoch timestamp in the ord=[[timestamp]] query string.

This WordPress plugin creates a [[timestamp]] shortcode which outputs the timestamp wherever the shortcode is placed. So now you can easily insert timestamps into Double Click affiliate links.

With the timestamp shortcode placed after the “ord=” part of the affiliate link, the timestamp will change every time the page reloads.

Usage is simple

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Upload the TimeStamper plugin to your WordPress site
  3. Use your DoubleClick ad code in posts, pages and widgets.
  4. Replace “ord=” in your links with “ord=[[timestamp]]”

The shortcode can be used anywhere you want to show the current Unix Epoch time.

Great news if you don’t want to use a plugin. You can add this shortcode to your site by adding a code snippet to your theme’s functions.php. Here is how.

[wpdm_file id=24]

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