Merry Christmas Everybody

It’s 14:00 hours at GMT so Christmas is well and truly underway throughout a lot of the world so I thought I’d take the time to wish every one of you and your family a very merry Christmas and a prosperous 2010. I sincerely hope that the year to come in 2010 is more friendly for you than the one of 2009 which will be behind us all in only a few days. I hear there will be a full moon on the final day of this year and I hope it heralds in a new beginning with an end to old, bad habits and the many wars that befell us all during the last decade which seems to have been filled with so much selfishness and dis-genuineness.

The Most Impressive WordPress Theme Bar None

We Wordpress bloggers are a funny lot. We style our sites with a theme, we edit it to get it how we want it, we think it’s perfect and then we see another theme that’s even more perfect so we start over again. Some of us even go so far as to learn to create our own “perfect” themes only to decide that the next pre-made one we see is even better. I suppose we just get bored very quickly. Well I know I do; and I get very annoyed with myself because each time I use a new theme I have to set it up to work with my plugins, ad server, widgets and content styling. So it was an absolute pleasure to find a very customizable theme that keeps my settings even after it’s been updated by the theme’s creator. It’s called Suffusion and has more options than a Jumbo Jet’s cockpit has buttons. Thankfully, its front cover comes with those immortal words from The Guide, “Don’t Panic”, written on it in big red letters.

Check for Do-Follows with Firefox

Have you considered how many hours you put into getting backlinks to your webpages? Worse still, do you struggle to know whether or not the backlinks you create are dofollow ones? If you’re like me you will have spent days adding your sites to different directories and putting sneaky little references to them into message boards, forums and social networking sites. Backlink creation must be the most boring part of being a webmaster. When the time to create a few more backlinks rears its ugly little head I start looking for other things to do; anything but create backlinks. I absolutely hate the repetitiveness of it; and the whole idea of it is made worse because I’m not always sure that the backlinks I create are dofollow ones.

How to Mask Affiliate URLs

Many affiliate links are long, ugly looking things that make savvy surfers think twice about clicking them. Wouldn’t it be nice to dress them up a little or completely shorten them into something more memorable? Welcome to the beautiful world of link masking. Yes, we can hide affiliate links if we want to. There are … Read more

Alien Hand Syndrome – Book Review

Over 90 stories of the strangest and damn-right oddest events to occur in human history and to happen to the Earth throughout its existence. I ordered the book from Amazon and took delivery of it within 3 days. I was surprised when it arrived because I didn’t expect it to be nearly an inch thick and so heavy for a paperback.