Opera 55 arrived with a bang last week. At least it made a lot of noise in the Linux world. The new Opera browser uses a CSD window style which means no window title bars and no window frame. Linux environments that rely on title bars for window control are a little screwed by Opera’s design oversight. No window spawned from the primary Opera window can be properly controlled.
Opera’s design oversight leaves Linux users powerless to close, minimise, maximise or drag popup windows without searching the task bar to locate the problem window. Desktop environments with the task bar disabled leave their users doubly screwed by this.
The Opera forums are awash with complaints about the new Opera CSD design. Don’t trust me? Read them here, here and here.
All is not lost
You can get the title bar back.
Getting the title bar back is easy in KDE
KDE gives us the power to stick a finger up to the Opera design team and force Opera to show the title bar.
To force Opera to show the title bar all you need to do is:
- Open KDE System Settings
- Select Window Management
- Select Window Rules
- Click New
- Select Detect Window Properties then click the open Opera window
- Press OK to confirm the detected properties
- Select the Appearance and Fixes tab then
- tick ‘No title bar and frame‘, set to ‘Force‘ and ‘No‘
- tick ‘Title bar colour scheme‘, set to ‘Force‘ and whatever your preferred scheme is
- Click OK to save the new Opera window rules
- Close all Opera windows then re-open Opera
- The title bar should now display for all Opera windows.
Follow the images if you get stuck, or ask questions in the comments section.

Any questions? No? Good. Run along and enjoy your day.