Fireworks display Courtesy of JournalXtra and Jetpack Stats

The people at Jetpack, the WordPress plugin home to WP Stats, have made a 2011 fireworks display of posts published at JournalXtra. Fireworks displays should be shared so here it is.

JournalXtra 2011 Fireworks Display

Best viewed in Chrome or Safari (Firefox is too slow), click the link and watch as rockets hurtle skyward for every post made at JournalXtra during 2011.

JournalXtra in Fireworks

If you have a WordPress blog that uses Jetpack to collect stats you can view your own fireworks display by going to Jetpack > Site Stats and clicking the 2011 Annual Report link below the date at the top.

I’d love to see your fireworks display. Please post your link here. Remember to make your display public.

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