Bugs in the System!!!

Don't panic !! It's only a picture of one I caught earlier.
Don't panic !! It's only a picture of one I caught earlier.

I apologise if you were affected by the recent bug encountered by some visitors when they accessed this site. The bug caused some desktop PC user’s to see the mobile and PDA version of JournalXtra. It was caused by a plugin update and the issue has now been resolved.

For those who want a little more information, the plugin is called WPtouch iPhone Theme and is designed to switch visitors with mobile phones and PDAs to a site theme specifically designed for them. It hasn’t affected any of my other WordPress blogs so it will be related to a configuration setting.

I knew about the update but didn’t catch the bug until I visited the site as a non administrator. I will keep it disabled until it is next updated. Hopefully, the issue will be fixed then; if not, I will re-activate it and play with its settings.

Now the plugin is deactivated, visitors who access JournalXtra through a PDA, mobile phone or iPhone will get the regular theme which can appear a little bloated to them. I apologise to you if this is an inconvenience to you. Use the RSS feed if you really do want to see the non-aesthetically pleasing site version.

Normal mobile, PDA and iPhone service will resume shortly.

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