Free Article Content Providers

There are several ways to get free articles for your website. Writing your own articles and getting visitors to write them for you are the only true free methods I know.  Other methods require either paying freelance writers or using an article bank.

An article bank is an online  “warehouse” of articles written by both professional and non-professional authors. There are many different reasons that authors post their articles to article banks: some are paid contributors, some do it for the fun and notoriety, others to demonstrate subject knowledge while driving visitors to their business, plus the hundreds of other reasons I’m not going to bore you with. You yourself might one day write an article relating to your website; is there a better way to show off and gain free advertisement on multiple websites?

Article banks are handy for webmasters who need free advertisement or text content in a hurry. Most article banks offer their articles  for the price of a back-link although some do charge a fee. Nearly all of them will allow you to post your own articles for the price of registration (which tends to be free).

The downside to using article banks is that their content is not usually unique and you must keep the article author’s links in any article you publish on your website.

Here are a few article banks you might find useful. Even if you don’t use their articles, you might find a few ideas for subjects to write about. Please read their rules before publishing their content:

When you use article banks, keep in mind that articles are of variable quality and not usually anything more than advertisements for the author’s business or website with some useful information for readers that make them appear to be authoritative.

Need more? Google “Article Banks

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