How To Make Free Mobile Web Apps

There are 1.2 BILLION mobile web users in the world. A staggering 25 out of every 100 potential US visitors to your website will never see it with a desktop computer, at least.

Statistics collected in 2010 suggest that 25% of US people DO NOT access or infrequently access the desktop web. That figure was higher in China (30%) and slightly lower in the UK (22%). If your website attracts US customers and it lacks a mobile version of itself then you are losing up to 25% of your target audience because your content is badly dressed for mobile devices. What will those figures be now we are in 2012?

Not one of us who wants to keep our websites and online businesses useful can afford to ignore the mobile web. We need either a mobile website or a mobile app to help keep our audience as people move away from desktop browsers and traditionally designed desktop sites in favor of mobile devices that display mobile sites.

A good mobile website could cost you between $1500 and $2500 but a mobile app for your site’s users to install on their phones can be created for free.

In the web 3 era we are now in, we need to have a desktop site optimized for desktop browsers, a mobile site optimized for mobile browsers and a mobile app to provide one-click access to your site’s content.

Free Mobile App Development

For your website’s mobile app, you can use one of the following websites to quickly build your very own app for free. It could even make it to the iPhone or Android market place.

Websites for free mobile app development:

Mobile app development tutorials:

Mobile Web Development

There are no quick and easy ways to transform a regular desktop site into a mobile website. WordPress plugins and scripts for other content management systems that convert desktop sites into mobile sites generally make ugly sites that give no real fine-tune control over how converted sites look on mobile devices. Better to purpose build a website for your mobile readers or to speak with a mobile site development agency to have one built.

Where is my mobile site?

Good question. All my business sites have mobile versions. JournalXtra is yet to be converted. Expect a few JournalXtra mobile apps to be available before the end of this month.

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